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2010 WDW Armed Forces Salute Tickets

Travel Dates: January 3 – September 30, 2010

Walt Disney World has just announced that Active and Retired U.S. Military, including members of the U.S. Coast Guard and active members of the National Guard or Reservists, may purchase 4-Day Walt Disney World Armed Forces Salute Tickets for themselves and up to five (5) family members and/or friends for $99 each.

The base ticket is valid for four days of admission into one of the four Walt Disney World theme parks (Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios or Animal Kingdom Park). Although this ticket for family members and friends does not include either the Park Hopper or Water Park Fun & More options, this ticket can be upgraded to add either such option, or both, for an additional $25, per option. The Park Hopper option allows guests to visit more than one park each day. The Water Park and More option gives guests a total of four visits to a choice of a Disney water park, DisneyQuest Indoor Interactive Theme Park or certain other attractions.

During this offer period, active or retired U.S. military personnel may make a one-time purchase of up to a maximum of five 4-Day companion tickets (one theme park per day) for $99 per ticket, for family members (including spouse) or friends.  All tickets and options are non-transferable and must be activated by September 26, 2010, and must be purchased by July 31, 2010. Block out dates March 27 - April 9, 2010 at all Disney theme park locations. July 3 - 4, 2010 at the Magic Kingdom only. Vouchers are available for purchase at Shades of Green and on military bases beginning January 3, 2010, tax free. You must then take the voucher to a WDW ticket window and exchange for a ticket. Tickets are also available for purchase at Disney World ticket windows, but this purchase will be taxed. Active or Retired Military must show a valid United States Military ID card. Activated members of the National Guard or Reservists must present their orders in addition to a Military ID card. Please contact Shades of Green if you have any questions concerning eligibility. Information on Eligibility and Park Passes

  • These tickets are for active and retired United States Military, including Coast Guard and active members of the Reserves or National Guard, and permanently disabled veterans with a valid military ID card.
  • If the service member is not present to purchase vouchers/tickets, the spouse or unremarried widow may purchase up to five tickets during the validity period. Military ID required.
  • The park passes may be upgraded to Seasonal Passes for Florida residents or Annual Passes, with credit toward the upgrade based on the actual price paid.
  • The No Expiration option cannot be added to these tickets. No other upgrades, such as adding additional days, will be available.
  • Tickets must be used by the same person on any and all days. They are not transferable.
  • This offer may not be combined with any other offer.

45 responses to “2010 WDW Armed Forces Salute Tickets”

  1. Jeff Avatar

    The article reads that “The Park Hopper option allows guests to visit more than one park each day.” Does this mean that you can still visit a different park one a different day without the park hopper?


  2. Keith Avatar


    With a basic park pass, you can visit one park per day. You can exit and re-enter the same park, you cannot visit a 2nd park that day, that would require the park hopper add-on. On the basic passes, previous days’ visits do not effect subsequent days. So, you can technically visit the Magic Kingdom for 4 straight days, or do all 4 parks over 4 days, you are not limited by what you did in the past.

  3. Jeff Avatar


    Thanks for the info, and a BIG THANKS to Disney for supporting us another year. I was unable to go last year due to deployments.

  4. Rose Avatar

    Do you know if they will be adding a salute ticket for Disneyland Park?

    1. Keith Avatar


      Disneyland has not yet announced a 2010 Armed Forces Salute ticket, no idea if they will or not. We will have to wait and see what they decide. I will post something here if they do.

  5. Dan Avatar

    My brother is retired from the Air Force the first time WDW Armed Forces Salute Tickets were offered he purchased one for himself and four for the family. He still has days left on his ticket and doesn’t want to purchase a ticket this time around. Could he purchase tickets for us?

    1. Keith Avatar


      The 2009 tickets expired on December 23, whether he used them all or not, and are no longer valid. If he would like to go in 2010, he will need to purchase new tickets. In any case, he should be able to purchase the 2010 tickets for you, as you can buy up to 5 total for family/friends.

  6. Kathy Avatar

    In all the reading I’ve done on the 2010 tix I have not seen where the military personnel needs to be present to activate the voucher. My sister was going to purchase tix for us last year, but was reassigned a duty station in the middle of the Indian Ocean and could no longer go with us. Do you know if this is the case with the 2010 tix? Thanks…

  7. kim Brown Avatar
    kim Brown

    Does this include veterans of the armed forces?

  8. Dan Avatar

    This is Dan again does my brother who is retired from the military have to buy a ticket for himself he doesn’t want to but he would purchase tickets for five family members. Can he do this?

  9. Keith Avatar

    For all eligibility questions, you should contact Shades of Green, they will be able to answer them for you. I will not, sorry.

  10. Regina Dodge Avatar
    Regina Dodge

    We will be in Orlando for 5 days, Friday – Tuesday. Does the 4-day ticket have to be used on 4 consecutive days? We are thinking about taking Sunday off for the marathon.

    1. Keith Avatar


      The 2009 tickets all expired on December 23, so it did not matter when in the year you used them. I am assuming the 2010 tickets will expire September 30, 2010, same type deal. Worse case, they will expire 14 days from first use, as do tickets you purchase directly from Disney, so you would be fine skipping one day.

  11. Stephen Avatar

    Where can I verify this information? This is the only web-site with this information. Nothing is listed on the disney web-site. Please provide the official disney announcement.

  12. Amira Hicks Avatar
    Amira Hicks

    Ok I’m a little confused!!! when it means block out days, does that mean you are not able to use the 4-Day Walt Disney World Armed Forces Salute Tickets on those days? <My family and I had plans to go to Walt Disney World 5 April through 9 April and i think that it would really defeat the purpose of going when you children are out of school. Can someone please assist?

  13. Keith Avatar


    That is exactly what it means, you cannot use the tickets between March 27 and April 9, they will not work those dates. Those are the two busiest weeks of the year, outside of Christmas week, so they chose to black them out. If you are traveling then, you will need to purchase a normal park pass. Please notice that all of Summer is wide open for your use.

  14. Sheri Avatar

    Figures it expires the end of September. We are going in October.

  15. Jessica Avatar

    So with these tickets are you allowed to purchase up to 6 (military personnel + 5 friends) or is it no more then 5 tickets per military personnel.

  16. Keith Avatar


    The wording is strange, but my understanding is they can purchase up to 4 companion tickets, and 1 more ticket for themselves, so 5 total.

  17. Summer Avatar

    The tickets actually expire July 31, 2010 and you can purchase 6 total. One for the military member and up to 5 additional tickets.

    1. Keith Avatar


      The tickets must be purchased by July 31, 2010, but they do not expire until September 30, 2010. I just called Shades of Green to clarify, you can purchase 5 guest tickets, and one for yourself, for a total of 6 discounted tickets.

  18. Summer Avatar

    Awesome, thank you so much for checking into it. Much appreciated.

  19. johanna Avatar

    my family is leaving to disneyland thursday morning 1/14/2010 to be able to use the park friday saturday and sunday,since we did the same exact dates last year I just noticed I missunderstood and that $99 is not good for disneyland only disneyworld, can you please let me know if this is indeed right? or has disneyland in california put the discount back on?

    1. Keith Avatar


      At this point, Disneyland has not yet offered any military tickets for 2010. You can however, purchase discounted tickets through your base MWR. Good luck and have a great trip!

  20. johanna Avatar

    thank you very much for answering my question

  21. Kevin Avatar

    I am bringing a one year old child. Do I have to buy her a ticket or does she get in free?

    1. Keith Avatar


      For all WDW tickets, anyone 3 and older requires a park pass for admission. Children 2 and under are free.

  22. joy Avatar

    My father in law is a deceased vet, my mother-in-law is incapable of making the trip but would like us to go, can she or my husband in her behalf purchase the tickets? Secondly will it be a problem claiming the Disney passes if the Vet or Widow is not with us.

  23. Yvette Avatar

    A friend of mine who is a retired general purchased 3 tickets for us as a birthday gift. We are going next month in March. He will not be going with us as he purchased them as a gift for us. Is there any way for us to be able to activate the tickets when we go in March without him being there?

  24. adriana Avatar

    we are planning to go to the pars for christmas 2010, and obviously this military discount ends in sept 2010.will they reopen the offer for christmas time, or offer a different offer maybe? and if so, when will they make it public? (i’m trying to budget our vacation) 🙂

    1. Keith Avatar


      It is possible it may be extended, we will just have to wait and see. Last year it ran through December 23, and if it were extended, it would only be until then, at the latest. It would never cover any date over Christmas, if that is when you are going.

  25. Joe Avatar

    Currently depoyed and will not return to the states until the end of July/begining of August. I would hate to miss purchasing these tickets by a few days. Is there anyway to purchase them via the internet or over the phone?

  26. Brian Johnston Avatar
    Brian Johnston

    We are taking a trip to Disney World at the end of this month and will be there for 7 days. I’m retired Air Force and my son is active duty Air Force. There will be 6 of us going. Am I allowed to buy 6 passes for 4 days and my son buy 6 passes 4 days and use them all for our group’s trip?

    1. Keith Avatar

      Brian – I cannot answer any eligibility questions, you will need to contact Shades of Green to ask that question, they will be able to help you out.

  27. Myra Avatar

    Has anyone confirmed whether the person purchasing the tickets need to be there to activate the tickets at the WDW counter? My cousin wanted to purchase the tickets as a gift to my fiance and I for our wedding, however, he will not be going to Florida with us on our honeymoon. We are from California. Any help would be much appreciated!

    1. Keith Avatar

      Myra – Have you called Shades of Green?

  28. Myra Avatar

    I have tried numerous times, and left a voicemail message.. but they either don’t answer their phones or are very very busy there.

  29. Maria Avatar

    The Shades of Green website says it’s only available until August 31, 2010. Can you clarify which one is correct?

  30. Keith Avatar

    They must be purchased by August 31, but they can be used until September 30. Originally when announced, they had to have been purchased by the end of July, but that was extended a few months ago.

  31. Linda Avatar

    Hello! I just booked the All Star Movies and I’ve gotten conflicting information on the transportation. I saw one site that says that it has its own buses and does not share with the other All Star resorts and another site says that it does share and that it is the last resort to be picked up and therefore very crowded. Can you tell me which is correct, so I know what to expect? Thanks!

    1. Keith Avatar

      Linda – Generally, the three All-Star resorts share buses, so that will be the case during most of your trip. However, there are times, when Movies (or the other All-Stars) will get their own bus, typically when it is super busy.

  32. Marne Avatar

    We bought the 4 Day Park Hopper Military ticket. We want to visit the park 6 days. I am assuming we cannot add 2 more days to our tickets, correct? So we will need to buy full price 2 Day Park Hoppers directly from the Disney “box office.” Or can our Military 4 Day Ticket value be used towards the purchase of a 6 Day Park Hopper? PLEASE HELP!

    1. Keith Avatar

      Marne – Correct, the military tickets cannot be extended, and they cannot be traded in towards longer tickets. Many people purchase 2 tickets per person, giving them 8 days each. You may also want to look at just purchasing a 6 day ticket from WDW, it will most likely be cheaper than your discounted 4 day ticket plus a 2 day ticket from WDW.

  33. Karen Avatar

    Not that any of you care. But those of you that are saying your family member or friend wants to purchase these tickets for you but wont be going. This armed forces salute is intended for the military member and their family and friends. But for family and friends when the military member is going as well. It makes me sick to see people actually admitting they are trying to find a way to take advantage of a discount given to the service members when the service member isnt even going. You are not military. Pay the price the general public pays and quit trying to ride the tails and get a discount the our military families deserve

  34. erin Avatar

    I have to say…I think Karen has a point. But unless they changed protocol since 2009 you cannot use the military salute tickets without the military member being there to activate the ticket. We went Dec 09′ and my husband, the active duty member, had to report to the ticket counter and show his ID to validate the tickets. I suppose that I could have done it as well though as they can be sold to spouses. But I don’t think that a civilian would be able to activate them.

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